Normally I wouldn't even be near a Washington Post... but my wife wanted steamed crabs, so she needed paper to cover the table. Wile spreading it out, I ran across this article... and thought, lets see how bad the Left was Leaning things... and to my surprise:
There was this article, that actually was talking logicly, and with out Obamanistic tendencies... it wasn't till I finished when I looked up and saw it was George Will.
( Now I keep an eye out for him, ever since June, 2nd 2007, his spaniel walked off a curb in front of a car, that I happen to be following on a classic 1970 HD Sporster, with 1970 drum brakes... after bouncing and sliding through Chevy Chase, I guess I was real lucky... just a couple of stitches and a little road rash... oh, and I had to pay for All the Damage... Since the dog didn't hit anything... anyways, that's another story for another day and blog... )
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